Tuesday, 8 October 2013


This first basic Maya blockout was done by matt to get an idea for the entire first level. The prototype is being built in an area between a quarter and a third of the size of the level. Only once that is working will we be moving on to the rest of it. This blockout puts the prototype in context and gives us a clear idea of where we're going in terms of level one. 

For a more detailed blockout (one which contains better and more pronounced silhouette for working out lighting and the feel of the game given that we're going down a very visual avenue)

This is an early version of our "detailed blockout" which focuses entirely on the section before the river crossing. The idea for this is that it's our test-bed area in which we'll test lighting, mechanics and layout primarily. This area may be changed roughly, but final models and textures will not be applied until it's working to a finalised standard.